Results for 'Richard C. Sinopoli'

966 found
  1.  16
    Liberal justice, national community.Richard C. Sinopoli - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4-6):519-525.
  2.  40
    Jennifer L. Hochschild, Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the Nation:Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the Nation.Richard C. Sinopoli - 1998 - Ethics 108 (2):435-437.
  3. Probability and the Art of Judgment.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Richard Jeffrey is beyond dispute one of the most distinguished and influential philosophers working in the field of decision theory and the theory of knowledge. His work is distinctive in showing the interplay of epistemological concerns with probability and utility theory. Not only has he made use of standard probabilistic and decision theoretic tools to clarify concepts of evidential support and informed choice, he has also proposed significant modifications of the standard Bayesian position in order that it provide a (...)
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    The triple helix: gene, organism, and environment.Richard C. Lewontin - 2000 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Richard C. Lewontin.
    One of our most brilliant evolutionary biologists, Richard Lewontin has also been a leading critic of those--scientists and non-scientists alike--who would misuse the science to which he has contributed so much. In The Triple Helix, Lewontin the scientist and Lewontin the critic come together to provide a concise, accessible account of what his work has taught him about biology and about its relevance to human affairs. In the process, he exposes some of the common and troubling misconceptions that misdirect (...)
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    Subjective Probability: The Real Thing.Richard C. Jeffrey - 2002 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a concise survey of basic probability theory from a thoroughly subjective point of view whereby probability is a mode of judgment. Written by one of the greatest figures in the field of probability theory, the book is both a summation and synthesis of a lifetime of wrestling with these problems and issues. After an introduction to basic probability theory, there are chapters on scientific hypothesis-testing, on changing your mind in response to generally uncertain observations, on expectations of (...)
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    Aspectus Et Affectus: Essays and Editions in Grosseteste and Medieval Intellectual Life in Honor of Richard C. Dales.Richard C. Dales - 1993 - Ams Pressinc.
    The 65th year of a scholar who has devoted 40 years to editing and elucidating Robert Grosseteste provides us with a collection of essays. Not surprisingly, they emanate from colleagues and former students of Richard Dales and reflect his interest, among other concerns, in Grosseteste's aspectus et affectus - range of vision and disposition of mind - those twin peaks with which the 13th century thinker helped to get Christian thought through Aristotle without mutual destruction.
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  7. Contributions to the Theory of Inductive Probability.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1957 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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  8. Mises redux.Richard C. Jeffrey - 2010 - In Antony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings. New York: Routledge.
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  9. To Treat or Not to Treat.Richard C. Sparks - forthcoming - Bioethics and the Handi.
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  10. The Logic of Decision.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1965 - New York, NY, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    "[This book] proposes new foundations for the Bayesian principle of rational action, and goes on to develop a new logic of desirability and probabtility."—Frederic Schick, _Journal of Philosophy_.
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  11. Carnap’s Voluntarism.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz, Brian Skyrms & Dag Westerståhl (eds.), Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science IX: proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Uppsala, Sweden, August 7-14, 1991. New York: Elsevier. pp. 847--866.
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  12. Probability kinematics.Richard C. Jeffrey - 2010 - In Antony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings. New York: Routledge.
  13.  1
    The Mathematics (and Metaphysics) of Identical Twins.Richard C. Playford - 2020 - .
    The metaphysics of early embryos is a hotly debated topic in contemporary bioethics and metaphysics. Many contemporary Aristotelians believe that a human being is present from the moment of conception. At the same time, certain findings in modern embryology about the formation of identical twins challenge this belief. It becomes much harder when these theories are taken into account to understand the continued identity over time of the embryo(s) given the twinning process. In this article, I will consider the philosophical (...)
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    Biology as ideology: the doctrine of DNA.Richard C. Lewontin - 1991 - New York, NY: HarperPerennial.
    Following in the fashion of Stephen Jay Gould and Peter Medawar, one of the world's leading scientists examines how "pure science" is in fact shaped and guided by social and political needs and assumptions.
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    Personal Immortality in Averroes' Mature Philosophical Psychology.Richard C. Taylor - 1998 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 9:87-110.
    L'A. esamina in particolare il Commento grande al De anima. In primo luogo evidenzia l'insegnamento averroista in relazione al tema dell'intelletto e dell'individuo, in secondo luogo esamina alcune proposizioni relative all'immortalità dell'anima individuale, ma sottolinea la difficoltà di conciliare tali affermazioni di Averroè con la dottrina dell'intelletto. L'ultima parte dello studio propone un esame critico del recente studio di O.N. Mohammed, Averroes, Aristotle, and the Qur'an on Immortality «International Philosophical Quarterly» 33 37-55.
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  16. Valuation and acceptance of scientific hypotheses.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (3):237-246.
  17. Dolphin social intelligence: complex alliance relationships in bottlenose dolphins and a consideration of selective environments for extreme brain size evolution in mammals.Richard C. Connor - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
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    Averroes' Philosophical Conception of Separate Intellect and God.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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  19. The Politics of Science.Richard C. Lewontin - forthcoming - New York Review of Books.
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  20.  23
    Remarks on Explanatory Power.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:40 - 46.
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    Arabic/Islamic Philosophy in Thomas Aquinas’s Conception of the Beatific Vision in IV Sent., D. 49, Q. 2, A. 1.Richard C. Taylor - 2012 - The Thomist 76 (4).
  22. (1 other version)Notes on the Parables of our Lord.Richard C. Trench - 1948
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    The Logic of Imaginative Education: Reaching Understanding.Richard C. McCleary - 1993
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  24. Theory of knowledge course: syllabus and teachers' notes.Richard C. Whitfield (ed.) - 1976 - Birmingham: Department of Education, University of Aston in Birmingham [for] the International Baccalaureate Office.
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  25. Infrared absorption and vibronic structure due to localized polarons in the silver halides*.Richard C. Brandt & Frederick C. Brown - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 322.
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  26. Use of surface-active agents in concrete.Richard C. Mielenz - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 1--29.
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    Ideology and analysis.Richard C. Hinners - 1966 - Paris,: Desclée, De Brouwer.
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  28. Intercultural Communication: pragmatics, genealogy, deconstruction (Robert Young).C. Richards - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31:99-103.
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  29. The analysis of variance and the analysis of causes.Richard C. Lewontin - 1974 - American Journal of Human Genetics 26 (3):400-11.
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  30.  52
    Ibn Rushd/Averroes and "Islamic" Rationalism.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
    The classical rationalist philosophical tradition in Arabic reached its culmination in the writings of the twelfth-century Andalusian Averroes whose translated commentaries on Aristotle conveyed to the Latin West a rationalist approach which significantly challenged and affected theological and philosophical thinking in that Christian context. That methodology is shown at work in his Fasl al-Maqāl or Book of the Distinction of Discourse and the Establishment of the Relation of Religious Law and Philosophy (c. 1280), although the deeply philosophical character of his (...)
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  31.  40
    Averroes on the Ontology of the Human Soul.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
  32. Preference among preferences.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (13):377-391.
  33.  4
    The theory of the relativity of motion.Richard C. Tolman - 1917 - Berkeley,: University of California press.
    This book presents an introduction to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which has become a necessary part of the theoretical equipment of every physicist. Even if we regard the Einstein theory of relativity merely as a convenient tool for the prediction of electromagnetic and optical phenomena, its importance to the physicist is very great, not only because its introduction greatly simplifies the deduction of many theorems which were already familiar in the older theories based on a stationary ether, but also because (...)
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  34.  29
    Is Litigation the Way to Combat the Opioid Crisis?Richard C. Ausness - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):293-306.
    This paper examines the lawsuits brought by state and local government entities against prescription opioid producers and sellers. It examines their potential liability as well as some of the defenses they might raise. The paper also discusses multidistrict litigation and government lawsuits in state court. It concludes that litigation is not the best solution to the opioid crisis.
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  35.  37
    On some alleged distinctions between thought and feeling.Richard C. Flint - 1877 - Mind 2 (5):112-118.
  36.  23
    Islam in the Transmission of Knowledge East to West.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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  37.  15
    Textual and Philosophical Issues in Averroes’ Long Commentary on the De Anima of Aristotle.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
  38. The search for a genetic Influence on Sexual orientation.Richard C. Pillard - 1997 - In Vernon A. Rosario (ed.), Science and Homosexualities. New York: Routledge. pp. 226--241.
  39. Utility and the obligation to obey the law.Richard C. Brandt - 1964 - In Sidney Hook (ed.), Law and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
  40.  26
    Faith in Shakespeare.Richard C. McCoy - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    Rather than exploring faith as it relates to various political and historical controversies of the early modern period, Richard McCoy argues that "faith" in Shakespearean drama is best viewed as secular and poetic instead of an exclusively religious phenomenon.
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  41.  8
    Gene, organismo e ambiente: i rapporti causa-effetto in biologia.Richard C. Lewontin - 1998 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Imagination's Body.Richard C. McCleary - 1986
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  43. New foundations for Bayesian decision theory.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1965 - In Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (ed.), Logic, methodology and philosophy of science. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 289--300.
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  44. Bayesianism With A Human Face.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1983 - In John Earman (ed.), Testing Scientific Theories. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 133--156.
  45. Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies.Richard C. Martin - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):45-45.
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    Philosophy.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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    Albert the Great and Two Momentous Interpretive Accounts of Averroes.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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  48. Averroes on psychology and the principles of metaphysics.Richard C. Taylor - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):507-523.
    Averroes asserts in his Long Commentary on the De Anima and in his Long Commentary on the Metaphysics that principles of the science of metaphysics are established in the science of psychology. In psychology, human intellectual understanding is found to require the separate agent intellect for the coming to be of knowledge. The analysis of human psychology establishes that intellect must exist and must be separate from the human being in existence. Moreover there exists potency in those things called intellect, (...)
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  49.  28
    A variable sensitivity theory of signal detection.Richard C. Atkinson - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (1):91-106.
  50.  81
    On indeterminate conditionals.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1963 - Philosophical Studies 14 (3):37 - 43.
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